Event Recordings
Watch recordings of our past events and special talks. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest content!
Backyard Bison
October 26, 2015
Dr. Jennifer Barfield
Dr. Jennifer Barfield, an assistant professor of reproductive physiology at CSU, discusses the northern Colorado purebred bison reintroduction project. Recorded at Patero's Creek brewery with a 30-minute talk followed by Q&A.
The Amazing Evolving Guppie
August 31, 2015
Dale Broder
Dale Broder explores animal behavior, evolutionary ecology, and using guppies as a tool for teaching evolution to K-12 students. Includes an extensive Q&A session starting at 41 minutes.
Measles, Rubella, Morbilli...Oh My!
March 30, 2015
Dr. Tony Schountz
Dr. Tony Schountz, associate professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology at CSU, discusses infectious diseases. Talk begins at 8 minutes with Q&A at 48 minutes.
Perspectives On the Majesty and Tragedy of Wild Elephants
April 27, 2015
Dr. George Wittemyer
Dr. George Wittemyer, assistant professor in Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at CSU and Scientific Board Chairman of Save the Elephants, presents a 28-minute talk followed by Q&A.
Lousy Sex: How Undressing Pill Bugs Proves We are Not Who We Think We Are
February 23, 2015
Dr. Gerald Callahan
Dr. Gerald Callahan, holding joint appointments in English and Microbiology at CSU, presents an intriguing talk about identity and biology.