Event Calendar
Upcoming Events
February 25, 2025
From Summit to Sea: The Importance of Inland Communities to Ocean Science and Policy
Dane Whicker, MAS MBC, Conservationist and Science Communicator at California Sea Grant / Host, Bio-DIVErsity, Peak & Plunge, The Delta Dispatch, will discuss how your choices at the grocery store and personal opinions about metal potatoes matter to the ocean (and the world!)
6:30 PM
Wolverine Publik House
Latest Event
January 28, 2025
Sustainable Photoredox Catalysis: Harnessing Visible Light Energy for Chemical Synthesis
We will be introducing CSU's Center for Sustainable Photoredox Catalysis (SuPRCat). The mission of SuPRCat is to transform chemical synthesis by designing powerful, industrially-relevant processes using sustainable photoredox catalysts based on organic or earth abundant compounds and the energy from visible light. We will introduce how we are designing new compounds and strategies to reach these goals.
6:30 PM
Wolverine Publik House